This dashboard presents statistics regarding arrests referred to the Bronx District Attorney’s Office (Bronx DA) by the NYPD. It displays the number of arrests referred each year by NYPD since 2019.
The data can be separated by Charge Severity, Charge Type, and Arrest Date by filtering using the buttons on the bottom of the dashboard. Data can also be divided by quarter/year and month/year by using the buttons at the top of the dashboard.
Data Notes:
- The unit of analysis for this dashboard is a unique arrest event, defined as all charges submitted by NYPD on the same day for the same person.
- If an individual is arrested on more than one unique date, each of those arrests is counted separately. If multiple charges or arrest numbers are filed on the same day for the same person, that is counted as one arrest.
- The Charge Severity and Charge Type associated with an arrest is determined by the severity of the most serious (top) charge submitted by NYPD. For example, an arrest where the most serious charge is a felony is categorized as a felony under Charge Severity. The Charge Type is the category or type of offense.
- Data Source: Arrest information is based on NYPD arrest documents filed with the Bronx DA.
See Data & Legal Glossary of terms.