Under the leadership of District Attorney Darcel D. Clark, the Bronx District Attorney’s Office keeps our communities safe by “Pursuing Justice with Integrity.” We strive every day to fulfill our duty to crime victims while ensuring fairness to defendants.
Providing our data to the public reflects our commitment to accountability and transparency. The information presented in these pages will serve to equip the public, particularly the people of the Bronx, with a greater understanding of how the criminal justice system is working for them and how it is delivering justice to crime victims and the community at large.
The information is presented in Data Stories and the Data Dashboards.
Criminal Justice Process
The data presented on the following pages is structured in accordance with the flow of a criminal case through the court system. The chart below illustrates the criminal justice process, beginning with an arrest by NYPD and ending with case disposition and sentencing. At each stage in the process, important decisions are made with regard to the case. Decision points and key outcomes are described in more detail.